A young girl named Sheeta is kidnapped by a government agent named Muska. While traveling in an airship, Sheeta's abduction is interrupted by a group of air pirates led by Captain Dola who are searchi...

8.00 7.90 160

Yuki, a student, has never witnessed one of the giant monsters that constantly threaten her city and are always discussed in the news. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters th...


A high school student named Tetsu is tasked with protecting his shape-shifting pet monster, Cenco, from a mysterious boy who arrives in town with the intention of stealing Cenco for his own nefarious ...

6.70 6.60 127

Ten years after a significant event, a teenage boy named Yuuki Judai enrolls in a prestigious Duelist school located on a remote island. He befriends and rivals other students while striving to prove ...

6.80 135

Heliopolis, a neutral space colony, houses a secret weapons research facility producing Gundams for the Earth Alliance. ZAFT, an organization of genetically modified humans, attacks Heliopolis, steali...


The anime series Grappler Baki aired in Japan in 2001, followed by a second series, Grappler Baki Maximum Tournament. The story centers around Baki Hanma's quest to become the strongest grappler in th...

7.50 202

In a dystopian underground society, Ichise, an orphan and prize fighter, loses limbs during a brutal fight. He is rescued by a young doctor who uses him as a test subject for advanced cybernetic limbs...

7.60 123

Himura Kenshin, a wandering swordsman with a troubled past, is known for his sunny disposition. He was once a skilled assassin during the Meiji restoration but chose to abandon his violent past. His t...

8.50 198

In the near future, high-tech AI toy cars for kids, Watch-Cars, are created. In burst enthusiasm, a battle tournament is formed, the Watch Car Battle League. As the undefeated champion, Kai remains a ...

8.40 8.50 17

Hashiba Kyouya is a 28-year-old game developer. With his company going bankrupt, and him losing his job, he returns to his hometown. Looking at the success of creators of his age, he finds himself reg...

7.00 7.10 25